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Posted on by Ellice Sanchez


“Before TMS, nothing made me happy. Activities that used to bring me joy seemed dull and uninviting. I was depressed all of the time, and it made school and work and social outings seem like impossible tasks. After TMS, things changed. It started to feel like things were possible again. Tasks didn’t seem as scary and daunting as they used to. I started to find joy in everyday life – for once in a very long time, I was happy. In fact, I am incredibly excited to graduate school and go to college. But more importantly, I am able to appreciate my friends and family and enjoy my time with them. I have gotten my life back. Thank you to everyone at TMS for being so kind and wonderful and for providing me with a life changing experience!”

About Ellice Sanchez

Ellice is a graphic and web designer with 6 years experience working for commercial and federal contracts as a contractor, in-house designer and freelancer. View all posts by Ellice Sanchez →

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